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Hand tools
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Find out everything about PREMION in this catalogue and choose the formula that fits your needs.

Additionally we are introducing a whole new concept with a fresh and innovative approach that is suitable for any retail space that wants to increase its impulse sales.

Display concepts

Pallet-sized promo display

  • One display = one price category €2.99 or €5.99
  • The top and bottom level can be filled with high rotation items (BULK items), seperated by dividers for a clean look.
  • The middle level is filled with a variety of items from our Mix-boxes of which the content changes frequently.
  • Additionial items can be put on the side grid to optimize the sales value.
  • In total the display can carry up to 700 SKU’s.
Display Premion
Display Premion

check-out trolley

Our heavy-duty trolleys on wheels, suitable for positioning at the check-out counter have 3 levels that can be filled with high-rotating impulse items or seasonal products.

Cross-selling grids

  • Optimize your selling space by adding our easy attachable grids on to your product racks by a simple click.
  • Our grids are composed by theme (paint, decoration, bathroom accessories,…) which makes them the perfect add-on sales driver
Easy attachable
All options
Reading glasses display


  • This display has been refined for an ideal display of reading glasses of different styles and colours.
  • With its 4 sides and downward facing mirror it can contain almost 400 SKU’s and its heavy duty wheels make it easy to position wherever you think is best.